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Bro PLEASE Tell me how exacly should i get up there from the wall 
World 4 stage 3 "I see you " 
BTW world 4 stage 2 was a  pshycopath Mission Why the hell you Torture me By that i trying that For 3 Hour to pass that
and yeah For the level of god tell me how exacly should i jump on top of there  World 4 stage 3 "i see you "  at the first of the mission
Gmail me if possible ty

(1 edit)

I agree that stage 2 is a bit too much - especially the very last part of it. Died countless times here.
Getting up the wall is easy the moment you realize that you can hook yourself in the wall by pressing attack when you are near a purpble glowing wall.

(3 edits)

After playing the demo I've decided to purchase the full version on GOG. The game has improved quite a lot and it's even smoother to play now. However there's one changed thing I don't understand. At least the first sex scene (the one with the stranger) was animated before - now you only get still pictures. Is there a reason why this has been changed? Also, I am still confused why Haley's body is looking very "different" when getting the scythe. She looks normal in the demo version but here the scythe scene is WIP. Last but not least: sometimes you are not able to hide the text box even though the game says so (I guess one example was the scene when Haley first wakes up - the bottom pic on this site).  Would be great to get a short reply.

Edit: Thanks for answering all my questions on twitter :)

(1 edit)

Congratulations on releasing the game and its success! May all your affairs be likewise be met with good fortune <3

So, given that I bought this last year here, can I get a Steam key for it? 

Because the version here is very much not the full game must be said... even if the answer is in the negative, I'll fully understand.

Again, thank you for making this!

 I haven't even started playing yet, but holy shit is the music phenomenal. I shazamed it to see if you used an already existing song for the main menu but it looks like its original. You should really go into making music its actually unbelievably amazing.

how to full screen ?


You game seem pretty cool ! Can I do let's play videos on it ? (knowing that I post them on porn website and I earn a bit of ads revenue from it ^^)


Of course, that's no problem at all!

Thanks a lot !


Hey, is this still being developed? This is a really cool game, well made, and the music is great. I noticed the patreon seems to be shut down? I also don't see any links to the discord. Would be a shame if this is abandoned but I see promise in this.


They are still active on twitter. They said they weren't getting enough support on patreon. Also got a full time job and they said they shut down the patreon because they didn't want to charge people for something they aren't fully invested in (time-wise due to other job).

Thanks for the reply, that explains a lot.


Yeah I noticed they weren't on my patreon feed anymore, so I got curious. I also hope this game gets more backing because I like the graphics and also I'm not much of a platformer person but this is very fun.

(1 edit)

Hello. I like to say this is an amazing game but I reload my game using the password system and forever odd reason I can't figure out how to glide. What is the button combination for that?

any chance to compile for Linux?

So, weird bug. On the itch launcher, there's no download option. Any possible reasons or fixes?

That’s because the dev didn’t tag the files as being an executable for Windows. Itch’s app filter out downloads that aren’t for your system, but a lot of developpers forget to tag them properly…

Really loved the story, gameplay is good as well, can't wait for the next update !

In my opinion, there are few features that could be improved : 

  • Wallet and gold : It has already been mentioned, but you can collect gold only once, even though your wallet is full (and can't buy next wallet before being full). Which means you can almost one whole level if you don't pay attention (or don't know the feature yet), and get short on gold. Maybe something could be done to avoid those issue. And in the future, if there's a need of upgrade cause the player is stuck, grinding won't be fun either.
  • Boss farm : As you may need to get gold, farming on boss is the most efficient way (Second boss is done quickly, 20gold/run). But you have to go through the "cinematic" again (dialogue, sanctuary, X scene). Could it be optional, to skip everything, not just the scene, if already done once ?
  • Nightmare destruction spawn : I think it was on world 2-4. I've discover the bottom pass after I've hit the core. So mobs just kept on spawning, making it almost impossible to get back to the core. Maybe would it be interesting to limit spawn if the player is more than X screen away from the core ? Or if the core wasn't hit in the last X seconds ?

Thanks again for the game, hope to conquer world 3 soon !

(7 edits)

Won fight against boss of second world. Got this.




action number 1

of Alarm Event for alarm 0

for object obj_camera:

Unable to find any instance for object index '400' name 'obj_luciabossfight_listener'

at gml_Object_obj_camera_Alarm_0


gml_Object_obj_camera_Alarm_0 (line -1)

Got past this on the second attempt.

Another bug: if you open menu during cutscenes with image at background and close it image will disappear. Even following images won't appear. As for example, open 3rd scene from the Gallery, open and close menu there.

Another bug: lost progress in "Look At You" (including gallery) after beating World 1 boss. Seems like it resets all the other progress for whatever reason.

BTW, minor UI improvement — at start place cursor at Load Game if there's a save file present. Pretty much all games do this because it's convenient.

Another BTW, text plate covers everything at the bottom in the cutscenes. In "Lucia's Eyes" it literally covers all the action. It makes sense to add a hotkey to show/hide it or adjust scenes to consider this thing.

So first of all great game. Tho I would like to see some changes e.g. While I did my  first playthrough I didn't really touch the shop and just completed the game sitting at a steady 150 coins the whole time but when I finished I noticed  that  you had to buy certain keys. So I went to grind  out some cash, but it seems you can only collect the coins in a level once. So that was hella  grindy and not that fun (Eventually bought everything  by combo farming the bosses). So I'd personally like to see that either the wallet system is removed or that coins respawn if you play the level again.
BUG: While grinding  the bosses my progress in  world 2 reset when I defeated  the world 1 boss.

Oh. I guess I also found a less obvious and kind of intrusive way of finding the save code. It's under the AppData file for Windows. You can use notepad on the save_ini file. For those who use the itch io app, you need to find the folder under C:// then Users and itchplayer<numbers>. The AppData is hidden, btw. You need to get to activateshow hidden files.


It says invalid download and won't let me play. Game looks promising though.

Hey so, on world 2, stage 3, I randomly decided to head left instead of right and fell out of bounds.

I really liked your game, keep going with your good work !
I love the MC design also, só edgy <3


nice game

Hey, thank you!!

Deleted 316 days ago

That's fair, though I'm sorry to hear you think so. Regardless, thank you so much for giving it a try!


dont worry theres a reason that those grouping of tags is popular and thats because its a fun genre of game. dont pay attention to the complainer because theyre just being mean to you for putting in effort to make a game that will become constantly more popular as time goes on

Aw, hey, thanks!

That said, I think Gopherdays' totally entitled to their opinion, and it's not an unreasonable one, but your kind words have not gone unappreciated. :)


I really enjoyed this. I look forward to seeing what you have planned next ^^

New public update should be available in a week! It's currently up for patrons, I'm excited to see what you think!

Very much enjoyed the game so far--smooth platforming and combat, and a great soundtrack. The ambience and gameplay both remind me a bit of They Bleed Pixels, in the best way. Keep up the good work! :)

That's high praise! I appreciate it, thank you!

I just like to say,  the art is good and the combat is good as well. Thanks!

Hey, thank you so much!

(2 edits) (+1)

There's quite a bit of nice stuff, good job.



Hey, thanks! Kind of you to say!!

Deleted 3 years ago
(2 edits) (+1)

damn, this is the best game in dev that I've played in a long while. I can't wait until the full game is done. the art, color, design, game mechanics, soundtrack,  and storytelling are the best I would recommend this game to anyone Ik that liked erotic pixel games.  would rate this game 8/10 even though it's still in dev this game still gets a high rating.  but this is just my opinion so at least I hope I could give you a smile. have a good day or night!

That's genuinely very kind of you to say, thank you so much!!

I hope the coming updates really blow your mind :D

no problem and I wonder what the next update is 👀


So I found this idk if it's a bug or not but

 I'm at a stage where it shows *C* and I can't jump up of the cliff

I'm not sure I understand, you wouldn't happen to have a visual would you?

Oh Sorry, I'm just dumb. I fixed the problem myself
Good game and keep up with the work.


this game is amazing! looking forward to more of it!


Hey, I'm glad you're into it!!

(1 edit) (+1)

this game is really fun ngl. the only problem i have is that, the boss is a damage sponge (too much health) either way i'd give this a 10/10. would donate if i'm not broke :v

I totally understand, but I'm so glad you dug it!

(3 edits) (+1)

Bugs with Key binding: In game prompts show wrong key (i mapped jump to y) Shop doesn’t respect key bindings.

Save game (doesnt seem to matter though.): WyAyLDIsMiwyLDEsMSw3MywwLDAsNCw1LDAsMCwyLDQsMiwwLjM1LDAuMjAsIiEiIF0=

I recently did a keybinding patch to alleviate some of it's bugginess, if it happens again if you decide to take another stab at it, will you let me know?

And thank you so much for playing and for the feedback!

What should i test?

Deleted 3 years ago

Just a few short comments on the itch launcher. It has many nice benefits for the user.

Programs get updates so you don’t end up playing on an old version. It handles running Windows games under Linux. It will also handle sandboxing apps in the future to make it less risky to run random programs. If the game is uploaded via the butler utility made by itch user only have to download the difference between version and not everything from scratch.

(2 edits)

Sadly i haven’t found a resource how to make the itch launcher recognise a game. You can try to add a manifest file like it is described here.

Show post...


Aw dude neat! Thank you so much!


This game seems pretty fun, I like the mechanics you got here tht allow for fast paced movement to zoom through the levels.
I would like to see more variety in how you get around in the level, but as far as level design goes, i like it a good amount.

Damn, cool!

I like variant methods of movement myself, in fact the rail was a relatively late-game addition but I'm so glad I put it in. I'll start considering new methods of movement too!

And I'm glad you liked it! :D


in the app i can't download this game, someone know how to fix this problem


The only gripe I have is not being able to configure the controls to your preference and the window size being too big. Other than that, the game is pretty solid, and the soundtrack MY GOD!! I NEEEEED a downloadable version of it!!


Keybinds are coming in the next update, the system for it is almost done!

And I'm so glad you liked it!

(1 edit)

How to change the window size? I would love to try this game but its default window size is too big
Solved: change resolution

I finished the game. It's great, but I think the boss fight needs a little polish. Once the boss traps you in the corner, there's no escape.

Deleted 3 years ago

A fix for the window size should be coming soon!

I'm glad you dig it, despite an understandable criticism, and a good review always means the world!

Thought I was just gonna be ejaculating to some porn. The game itself, however, was premium boner fuel.  Everything about this game is super satisfying to play. The platforming feels great, the combat feels great, the music feels great.  This game is a total hidden gem. Thank you for making this.

PS could you upload the soundtrack to YouTube? I'd like to put some of the soundtrack in my music playlist. Thanks!

Damn, I'm glad you dig it! Premium boner fuel *is* what I was going for, after all...

The music's tied up in some copyright stuff, but I can upload the few tracks I made myself soon enough I'm sure!


Hey about your game it's great,But I wonder if you can make it a T  rated game instead of an adult NSFW one and also can you tell me the cheats and passwords for this game? 


My god is this game gorgeous! The soundtrack is also really great too. Looking forward to seeing you guys and the game grow. Some things to point out is that the momentum you get from hooking onto the moons seem a little bit inconsistent. Also I died in World 1-3 before the first checkpoint and it put me back to the last checkpoint in World 1-2. Keep up the great work!

You're not the first to report the 1-3 to 1-2 bug! D:

I'll definitely be addressing that right away! Thank you so much for commenting and I'm glad you like it so far!


Hey, this game is fantastic so far! I love the different art directions, and the platforming is extremely fun. My only big note at this point would be to possibly allow for some screen size choices in the options menu. For some reason, the window just didn't quite fit onto my screen, but thankfully it was only obscuring the far bottom of the screen, so I wasn't missing much at all.

Nonetheless, I am super excited to see how the game goes, so keep up the great work!

Thank you so much!

You're not the first to have reservations about the screen size (on NG mostly) and it's something I will be addressing with the next update! I appreciate your taking the time to let me know, of course. :)

And I'm stoked out of my mind that you enjoyed it.



Hey, thanks!!


I tested both this version and the version on Newgrounds. Great first impressions based on the art so far. I won't bother with an in-depth review/critique since I don't want to cause more harm than good. Here are some noticeable differences between the versions. version lacks the menu and skips the introduction. Also, as the player loads into the game -- the shopkeeper's unlockable scene is automatically unlocked and shown. (Tested this twice to make sure it was consistent).

I look forward to future builds and wish you the best of luck on your development!


No kidding there's differences, it appears I've uploaded the wrong version!

Thank you for pointing it out and thank you so much for the kind words! I plan on polishing it to a mirror shine as I continue to add levels and mechanics. And seriously, thank you for my first Itch review!


Any time -- I was glad to find another decent NSFW game. I recommend adding the adult tag (unless you have reasons not to) to bring in more traffic. It is a common term and I usually refresh using that tag to find more adult games.

Perfect! MF coming in with all the good advice, damn.

Just added it, thank you again!

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